In the memory of blue jacket
Let our wishes become horses …
Let the wonder word 'eternity' becomes a 'cup of tea' on this day…!!
I take you little backward…at the time and space when I , a motherless child of approximately three years, of a feudal family of erstwhile sleeping state Bikaner, had no ideas thoughts and dream ..May be I had became a writer later. But at the same time and in another space in America, a Professor Max Beckmann was leaving Germany having a dream, moved to Amsterdam and then Paris. Taking up an assignment at Washington University Art School, he went to the USA in 1947. Unfortunately he died soon after, in 1950 due to heart failure on his way to the Metropolitan Museum, where he wanted to see his painting… self portrait in a blue jacket! Prof. Beckmann was deeply influenced by Ajanta paintings and was not only philosophically inclined thinkers, artists and musicians.
Early in life he was fascinated by fairy tales and legends from distant countries and cultures, and attempted to illustrate these, art at Weimar. His journeys to Paris influenced him to paint landscapes in an impressionistic style. After a nervous breakdown during World War I, depictions of tragedy and misery became frequent in his paintings. Some of his work was described as "degenerate art'' also. In his exile in Amsterdam, Max Beckmann was deeply engaged in the study of Indian religions philosophies, especially the Theosophical ideas.Commenting on these he pondered. What I want to show in my work is the idea hidden behind so-called reality. I am looking for the bridge, which leads from the 'Visible into the Invisible.
'I want to dedicate this page to that blue jacket artist…!! I want to remember him as a person who remained unknown to me till today but now he is more than any living friend to me as an artist and lover of India for many reasons. 'He' is no more but I feel he is here, there and everywhere..! …he is in my heart in my mind…in spite of two different times and space I want to live with his memory and preserve him intact like so many other memories of history pre- history and beyond history…memories of art, culture ,religion and science…even of occults…I owe my love for that 'blue jacket' be eternal…it becomes an evidence of my own existence…as I have become his…It is now a connecting link between two individuals, between known and unknown…living and non-living…temporal and absolute…between two unlike poles… attracting each other… I don't want to postpone 'him' and 'this' and want the
lost world of that artist and his ideas becomes a cup of tea for everyone…On this basis and a 'valid- passport' I want to visit earth (and heaven if exist) again and again…till this world ends or continues..!…may be by whisper as Elliot wanted or by the bang as I want..!
We should all admit
that we are not the permanent citizen of this globe…even our identities are also changed and role behavior has taken infinite forms (As normal as other animate or inanimate being change)Lord Buddha said it well-'In the numerous and varied life spans of each man, every other being(At one time or another, or in one form or another)-animal or human) I see everyone equal. As everyone is dear to me…!'' We don't know what we were and what we are (At least I) and what would be my existence tomorrow…Where we live and wander and go and >where not…what we do what not (Certainly in the broader philosophical enquiry...) The world appears to us or what we feel about, due to certain perceptions or prejudices, is not the same. Fierce looking horned lizards, in only three inch existence,
make wonderful pets. This placid little animal can make a big hit horror film if enlarged by our today's computer and give a tough fight to any monster living or dead!
In the most deathly illusion of scorched belts of deserts
who permits astonishing life? Or who is responsible for creation of deserts, water, sky, moon and the sun? Who spreads evening carpet of Prime-roses, fragrance in flowers for miles? Do we know if
there is any wizard widely spreading the tapestry of
civilizations knitting different human colors and a
kaleidoscope of wonders? Who authorizes
and give power to man to tame all species-flora and fauna…even to encroach lands, waters
and skies for his own selfish ends and projections? Giving him sense to control the most dangerous!
And protect the most delicate and venerable!!…Like Lord Krishna who cared to save the existence if a small insect. And covered it
by the bell in the most dreaded battle of MahaBharat .The great seer Bhagirath to tame the Ganges…and to save human generations from floods as his pre-destined act. Who does all that…creates myths, his-story and stories…
Think about the sleep and slumber…the rest and the restlessness..?
Think about the dreams…the songs on your lips…wings and wheels…fins and feathers…
The smiling of deserts in blooms…who gives right to big fish to eat small fish? Who makes one master over the other..?
Who tames the untamed…birth
to a tall 'Yucca' plant to grow in the solitary rippled gypsum sea?
How did Gregor Sansa of Franz Kafka, converted himself into a gigantic insect to change his routine…or if we believe in Darwin we might take a u-turn any time and can at least to act like a monkey in our home hotel or in any film…
Perhaps or ultimately it all depends on different theories and stories or myths proposed by different
human beings or prophets or gods/goddesses etc..!
We are free to put them to question, to doubts…as Marx, Andregid…did…or as Picasso told the king of France- 'No… you did it..!'
The picture or a portrait of any person place or thing can change in nano seconds now. Today the distance between present past and future is reduced
too much and everything has become global
or cyber…You can feel Tsunami of Japan in your bathtub, the volcanoes in your drawing-room and 11 September in
the arm of your beloved…remembering poetry of
Allen Ginsberg-'America
fuck thyself with the atom bomb..!
Let us discover…all discourses of Zen philosophy not in books but under the tail of a mouse of computer …Let the churning the Ocean of Milk (samudra manthan) take place in our instant coffee cup and the festival of earth's biggest congregation
'Kumbha' and 'Kyoto conference'
be shared without priority and preference or commitment as mere entertainment in the….
screen of our TV or cyber-cafe… the October revolution, the French, American and Indian independence movements,
the longest march of history and geography…be fucked and forgotten…Let the singular life theory of Judaism and Christianity falling against the re-birth and cyclic path and so called' non-believer' from both the extremes, however, be bestowed with the new path,
ethos and 'birth of eternity'.
and the inner spirit travel from one life to the next...Let Moses, Paul and Peter's preaching's of non-attachment and indifference to pain and suffering relating to eternity of consciousness be mingled with Gandhi's
Hindu ideas of non-violence and there be a melting pot or dust-bin
in every household, for quick disposals, where now suffering generates no emotional responses, yet within the moment integrity never manifests its human wings.
Let us comprehend that there is no reason for grief and sorrow, ignorance and false attachments Hence for those who live in this global house' eternity' becomes a section window permitting everyone to see life beyond the limits of body and mind also…beyond reason towards faith…
.Let there be light in every patch of darkness…Lets not forget Thomas Elva Edition, who wanted to make electricity so cheap that the burning of candle would be expensive..!
In the mythical context, I feel this world and beyond, remain the same but in modern eternity elude humanity from day to day Consciousness and can only be effective in the primordial behavior of self.
Western Religions of Judaism., Christianity, and Islam teach the singular life with an eventuality of virtue or iniquitous reality.
What is that singular life and what difference does it
have with variety of lives…? In the new testament dictates-'Who so ever beleveth in him should not
perish, but shall have everlasting life.
The thinkers of east and west interpret the existence of man
and this real world in different ways.
The triumph of individual over time of is the core of different beliefs and religions.
In the name of eternity some promise
wealth good house women above this
land somewhere in the sky….
They promise unending oasis and bed of roses...
but few take it as a 'waiting' on the stage of mankind.
'Bhagvad Gita' teaches that the life force (atma, soul, spirit)
transfers from one body to
the next experiencing a variety of lives.
Even though the body dies the spirit or “life force”
exists, experiencing the
fourth dimension between human lives.
Consciousness parallels eternity including our inner spirit.
That idea identifies the eternity
of consciousness
in context of our formless inner spirit.
There had never been a time when a person did not exist and there will never be a time when we cease to exist and we fail at ascertaining
beyond the dualities of the world.
This is close to… that way the eternity is beyond the so called joy and sorrow and it's beyond and beyond…
We wish it remains the part of our human experience and one day there
remains no difference between the
higher and lower…privileged and the under-dogs.
The humanity all over has witnessed highest
order of slavery exploitation and is still not free from it in spite of historical revolutions and changes
that helped man and woman to
understand new and more enlightened values of life…still the pathos of
nostalgic past helplessness of
present and anarchy and uncertainty of future has rationally and irrationally kept the vast majority away from the
most ordinary living and an unending war is being waged against them by the privileged knowingly or unknowingly.
Untouchablity,animosity,hatred, violence, disparity is
the highest order of the day and unimaginable exploitation has become a part of
the bare-skin of the have-nots…
Its being displayed everywhere at the global level…If we talk of the modern times the light
and the path shown by all
religions has not reached the dark ,darker and the darkest area of mankind. Even
in the name of so called developments the inroads
reaching these areas have become
a new tool of exploitation and loots…
Unfortunately this jugglery of words and emotions have also become irrelevant because ever time a new 'messiah' (or pariah) come with the new message and tall claims but ultimately everything is lost in the black holes of the unknown world… from where no body can come back…We all left in our helplessness still waiting for new 'prophets' to come. new Angel to address and redeem us…but…our hope and prayers are lost in the polluted air and the 'godot' never come…or the seer 'Agastya' never return…The dark world become more gloomy.
I think , again we are left with no other solution than to think again and again…the hope…hope…and the hope…hope lasts with life…! At the same time another idea comes in our mind. And that is 'to change our attitude…to change the thinking to change the strategy…to change the course of life.
To change the nature…to change the concept of GOD…! We feel god exists as a noun, pronoun, verb or adjective…or beyond words but not beyond our feelings…! We are not free or liberal to feel that the God is beyond the human perceptions…it may be beyond and beyond…! We feel god….. We live god. In us we have cultured god everywhere…on earth water sky air fire…our body and mind it's physiology biology physics and chemistry is made up of god or godly elements…we live to die and take birth again to prove we are not dead…we are eternal. the world at large and the cosmos…beyond and beyond are in our reach…we are there…we were there and we will be there…Who knows…after living our physical body we may take birth on another planet or we become part of another galaxy…we may change into another creature or remain part of the matter…Why cant we feel all this or accept in that we are eternal.
Every moment we change but we say we are the same…not gentlemen. you are not and never the same…but you are there in the changed state too as you are eternal…You exist eternally…you never die…or decay…you only change…THINK ABOUT THIS CHANGE…WHEN YOU TAKE YOUR FIRST CUP OF TEA…THAT TEA WOULD BE 'ETERNITEA'…ETERNITY AT YOUR DOOR-STEP…SHE/HE/IT IS YOU…The other is neither hell nor heaven…its you only…You the eternal…we the eternal…I the eternal…The whole cosmos…and we are the travelers…we are the grass-hoppers…we are the reptiles…we are the sun and the moon. Fire water…earth. We are the gods and goddesses….all in one…no distinction…if we feel we are all one…!.In Vedas, in Bible…in Avesta…In Quran… in all other religious scriptures and dogmas…In the minds and heart of believers and non-believers we exist as one…!All eternal…!! Lets make eternity our cup of tea…lets change 'eternity' as 'eternitea,'!!! Amen!!!
Let this religion and philosophy become personal part of everyone's life. From out of sleep to slumber and dreams. Let it grow as a slow revelation and also revolution. Let it be a offering at your coffee table not always necessarily in temple. Let's enjoy the eternity in the virtual image of internet or in fortune shirt or ring or talisman…
Today this all is happening globally without any taboo of caste creed or religion. Let the 'mantras and sermons' be replaced by 'new eternal schools' of management, science and technology. From Madonna to Mahatma Gandhi, from Sartre to Sara Brightman…let it be a service or prayer…a tattoo in the heart and minds of millions who carry different faiths but ultimately believe in happiness. Let all Gymnasiums, museums .swimming pools, theatres and even the pubs and dens of sex-workers be the seat of learning of this the new wisdom of ''eternitea.''
We are in a blissful realm of rational and irrational crossroads…develop the essence of appreciation for your own self and others…everything is attainable in the body, don't look outward .no miracle…no mystery…you are a miracle. You are a mystery…all is intensely human…sheer revelation of your own wonder world and underworld…You have the delightful divinity…approaching eternity…no stigma…it's at your door-step…a cup of tea for you…The moment you feel you are blessed…!
Let this whole world enjoy the nectar of life...eternity or eternitea (In the witness of sun ,moon, light, fire, air and earth) which emerged from the churning of milk-ocean and is being churned from time-immortal, changing its form…and never declared itself dead 'TADASEET TAD PASHYAT.TAD BHAVEIT…it exists...it existed it will exist…!!!
But please don't forget the man in blue jacket! Remember him again and again.Think ..that he always exists in your mind. He is not a departed soul…he is in journey to attain immortality… '.Asatoma sadagamaye…tamsomaa jyotirgamaye….mrityorma amritgamaye! Yes from bad to good…from darkness to light…from death to eternity…give him a big hand …don't say him good bye …invite him for a cup of tea…invite him for 'eternitea!!!!’
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